Capacity Development for Implementing Eduroam in NRENs

Capacity Development for Implementing Eduroam in NRENs

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU),  Patuakhali, Barishal, Bangladesh

About Project

Project Name

Capacity Development for Implementing Eduroam in NRENs (CDIEN)

Participant Countries

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.

Period: March, 2022 – February, 2023

Principal Investigator

Chinmay Bepery

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT)
Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU)
Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh

Co-Principal Investigator

Md. Jahidul Islam

ICT Specialist
College Education Development Project
Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.

Collaborating Participant

Dr. Md. Samsuzzaman

Department of Computer and Communication Engineering
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh


  • Campus Network Survey under the NRENs of Asi@Connect partner countries to identify the present status networks, users, networks persons, and services issues exists in the member organizations of NREN.
  • Arrange an international blended workshop “Workshop on Eduroam for NRENs Campus Network” with onsite and virtual participants from 9 partner countries.
  • One webinar course for Asi@Connect NREN Campus Network users (Faculty, Researchers, Students, Staffs) for habituating to Eduroam. This activity utilized the distance learning platform (BdREN zoom service) from a previous Asi@Connect project “fDLuDCf”, implemented by BdREN, and deployed local zoom service in BdREN data center.


This CDIEN Project has received funding from Asi@Connect project which is the European Union co-funding project under Grant contract ACA 2016-376-562. 




Patuakhali Science and Technology University is a government-financed public university in Patuakhali, Bangladesh.




BdREN with its multi-gigabit capability aims to connect all universities, research institutions, libraries, laboratories, healthcare and agricultural institutions across the country, Bangladesh.




Asi@Connect provides dedicated high-capacity internet connectivity for research and education communities across Asia-Pacific.


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